Thursday, February 12, 2015

 Role Model

     I agree with the basketball star Barkley's statement he is not a role model, but the parents should be role models for three reasons. Parents want the best for you; Parents are more experienced and the players are looking for fame.

     First, parents have experience more than players. Parents faced a lot of problems so they learn a lot, so they should to be role model for their children.

     Second, parents want the best for you because they want to be Proud of you. Also to be the best one in world as Nelson Mandela or Abraham Lincoln. And to have a good life and comfortable life.

Third, players are looking for they can't be a good role model for 
children because some time they do something wrong to be famous.

In short, the role model should have experience like parents. And who is eldest because the eldest faced a lot in his life such as a parents.     

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